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Top 10 Most Regrettable Fashion Trends That Should Never, Ever Make a Comeback

Last updated on April 17, 2024

Over time, fashion has dabbled with numerous trends, some of which have darted through the barrier of common sense into the realms of the absurd. The upcoming fashion missteps are glaring examples of our often misguided quest to be trendy, or to simply stand out from the crowd. Below, CSDN will dive bit deeper into each of these fashion faux pas.

Low-Rise Jeans: The Hipbone Exposers

img src: Wikipedia

Low-rise jeans, the bane of comfort and decency, encouraged terrible fashion choices. The jeans clung precariously onto the hips, plaguing wearers with a constant risk of overexposure with the slightest of body movements. Embraced by those chasing after the hottest trends, these jeans meant one had to endure a love-hate relationship with both their pants and belts.

Shoulder Pads: The 80s Power Suit Vestiges

img src: Reddit

Hailing from an era that glorified excess, shoulder pads were the quintessential power symbols. Nonetheless, looked upon decades later, the trend is more comical than commanding. These appendages to the upper body distorted the human silhouette, turning sleek lines into a boxy, sometimes intimidating posture reminiscent of a work of cubist art.

Juicy Couture Velour Tracksuits: The Ostentatious Leisurewear.

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Splashed with bling and neon colors, Juicy Couture’s velour tracksuits were the pinnacle of leisure luxury—that is, if luxury came in a plush, form-fitting shell. Ironically, while purportedly designed for activity, they became the go-to outfit for those seeking less sport and more spotlight.

Crocs: The Perforated Foam Atrocities

Photo by Gabriel Hohol on

The critique of Crocs is almost a trope in itself. With their Swiss-cheese-like appearance and bizarrely comfortable design, Crocs found themselves on the feet of the unfashionable and the fashionably ironic. But the addition of Jibbitz charms was an attempt to sprinkle personal flair that still, unfortunately, couldn’t rescue the shoes from their status as a fashion crime.

Visible Thongs: The Early 2000s “Whale Tail” Fad

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Visible thongs were, perhaps, an unexpected act of rebellion—a stark pushback against the common sensibilities of undergarment concealment. However, the trend quickly revealed more about flawed fashion logic than it did about empowerment, making it a prime example of a fad that was left behind for good reason.

Overly Plucked Eyebrows: The 90s Pencil-Thin Disaster.

img src: Courteney Cox via @historyofoverplucking

The 90s will be ever-famed for its eyebrow trend, where plucking seemed akin to pruning a garden: the less foliage, the better. This razed approach left many of our brows looking permanently surprised, giving rise to an entire industry focused on eyebrow recovery and enhancement in later years.

MC Hammer Pants: The Anti-Gravity Marvels

img src: TheStarburstChannel on YouTube

MC Hammer Pants were to fashion what bungee jumping is to sport—a leap of faith and a disregard for the norms of gravity. The voluminous nature of the pants was synonymous with a strange medley of comfort and eccentricity, questioning the laws of traditional tailoring. Style and practicality often clashed when it came to these pants, making them a curious footnote in fashion history.

Trucker Hats: The Foam-Faced Relics


Trucker hats might be the epitome of casual headgear miscues. Often featuring questionable slogans and logos, these hats were less about function and more about a fashionable irony. While some donned these caps with an air of nonchalance, they became synonymous with a deliberate style misstep for many.

Skorts: The Skirt/Shorts Hybrid That Never Quite Made It


The skort is an apparel oxymoron, blending the fluidity of skirts with the practicality of shorts. A bewildering item that failed to fully establish its identity in either realm, it congregated in the wardrobes of the adventurous and the pragmatic. However, even their dual nature could not secure them a permanent spot on the fashion scene.

Mullets: The “Business in the Front, Party in the Back” Horror

Photo by Ann Vosk on

Mullets are the hairdo equivalent of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality—serious when viewed from one angle, but an entirely different story from another. Symbolizing a disjointed aesthetic sense, mullets have managed to garner a cult following despite their often-mocked appearance. The hairstyle’s survival is a testament to its peculiar charm, even if it’s one better left in the annals of history.

In light of our cultural journey and the amusing souvenirs it leaves behind, it’s clear that fashion trends not only mold the tapestry of our societal narrative but also echo the whimsical nature of style’s ebb and flow. The sartorial choices that once marked the apex of avant-garde now read almost like folklore in the annals of fashion history, underscoring the transient essence of seeking the vanguard. It’s this cyclical dance with the zeitgeist that we find both comical and enlightening, a veritable memento of our collective yearning for reinvention and individuality. For more reflections on the fashion world’s most unforgettable forays and faux pas, visit our website, CSDNews, where we chart the course of fashion’s past as it sails into the future, reminding us all that today’s trends are tomorrow’s tales.

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